The Web Project Nexus

Web Projects by Brian Hass

This website is still under construction. It will contain various web projects by Brian Hass.

A few web projects are still in the process of being reorganized and updated. If the web project of interest to you is currently unavailable, please come back and visit this site again in the future.

A special thanks to Neocities for providing the free web space for this website. If anyone else's websites were left "homeless" by the fall of web-hosts such as the Geocities web-host, Neocities can provide free web space for "resurrecting" those websites (and features a web-based file-upload utility; so, no ftp program is required).

Click here to see the original index page that was automatically created by Neocities when this website was created.

Also, a thanks to the Wayback Machine for archiving old copies of the contents of the Geocities of Brian Hass.